UWS: General Site Contractor

UWS: Digital Site Contractor

UWS: Digital Site Contractor

Unions in America and around the globe play and share a unique role in the lives of their members, customers, and the services they provide to the communities they serve.

We build and maintain software that simplifies and automates many administrative tasks.

We work to build create professional, industrial grade sites that reflect the professionalism and craftsmanship of the members and workers who use them. We prioritize common-sense solutions that get members and other key constituents involved online with your organization

The Presentation Layer is the top of the site, the area administrators and members interact with. Styles will come and go while usability will remain constant

Unions  have a unique role n the lives of their members, customers, and the services they provide to the communities they serve.

The goals of any union site will always be the same — do any of these challenges sound familiar :

-increasing jurisdictional share in markets that are overly saturated?

-Large, non-union electrical shops and the out of state developers that drive down the union density and overall person hours in the jurisdiction

1. drive member engagement including :

– attendance at local events

2. Right now, how effectively are you doing any of the following? take our quick quiz :

-announce upcoming work and projects to members

-announce and publicize success stories that highlight what you guys bring to both the projects and the community

-emphasize the safety benefits of working with your trained workforce

-highlight to contractors, developers, owners the value provided by members to their projects

-leverage various channels (social engagement) to drive the toward the source

-Drive member involvement and activism in the Lucerne County political and election process

-identify new market entrants and consistently highlight the value and benefits of affiliation

-articulate the value of Apprenticeship and Training to not only prospective apprentices, their parents and the surrounding community, and experienced non-union journeymen

-Privileged member access so that they may access healthcare forms, contracts etc. and other relevant information (contractors and prospective signatories would have different access)

3. Position as forward thinking on initiatives designed to address the climate resilience and sustainability

4. identify organizing opportunities , in most time and cost-effective manner possible

Everything we build is designed to build upon those relationships.

As such,

Our systems are designed for flexibility and easy use.
Specifically, we will make it easy for anyone on your staff to post updates, including text, links, and images using a web browser format that resembles a word processor. 
Where appropriate, we will make recommendations of third-party services that can assist.

Please get in touch to start the discussion about your particular technical and communications needs and today

Rating: 8/10

Revised Version:
Industrial Grade Sites

We build professional, industrial-grade sites that reflect the professionalism and craftsmanship of the members and workers who use them. We prioritize common-sense solutions that get members and other key constituents involved online with your organization.

Presentation Layer
The Presentation Layer is the top of the site where administrators and members interact. While styles may come and go, usability remains constant.

Unique Role of Unions
Unions have a unique role in the lives of their members, customers, and the communities they serve. The goals of any union site are to address key challenges such as:

Increasing jurisdictional share in overly saturated markets
Competing with large, non-union electrical shops and out-of-state developers that reduce union density and person-hours in the jurisdiction
Driving Member Engagement
We aim to drive member engagement through:

Event Attendance: Encouraging attendance at local events.
Effective Communication: Announcing upcoming work and projects, publicizing success stories, emphasizing safety benefits, highlighting the value provided by members, and leveraging various channels to drive engagement.
Quick Quiz
Right now, how effectively are you doing any of the following?

Announcing upcoming work and projects to members
Publicizing success stories that highlight your contributions to projects and the community
Emphasizing the safety benefits of working with your trained workforce
Highlighting to contractors, developers, and owners the value provided by your members
Leveraging social engagement to drive traffic to your site
Driving member involvement and activism in the local political and election process
Identifying new market entrants and highlighting the benefits of affiliation
Articulating the value of Apprenticeship and Training to prospective apprentices, their parents, the community, and experienced non-union journeymen
Providing privileged member access to healthcare forms, contracts, and other relevant information
Forward-Thinking Initiatives
We position unions as forward-thinking on initiatives designed to address climate resilience and sustainability.

Organizing Opportunities
We identify organizing opportunities in the most time and cost-effective manner possible.

Everything we build is designed to strengthen these relationships.

Flexibility and Ease of Use
Our systems are designed for flexibility and ease of use. Specifically, we make it easy for anyone on your staff to post updates, including text, links, and images, using a web browser format that resembles a word processor. Where appropriate, we recommend third-party services that can assist.

Please get in touch to start the discussion about your particular technical and communication needs today!