UWS: General Site Contractor

UWS: Digital Site Contractor

UWS: Digital Site Contractor

Many in the technology community share our concern that the rapid deployment of advanced technologies in the current ecosystem. poses serious  risks and can exacerbate existing societal challenges .

Mark Surman, an open internet activist and the president and executive director of the Mozilla Foundation, is a leading advocate for trustworthy AI, digital privacy, and the open internet. 

“Market capitalism in today’s digital realm has led to a small number of large players who are driven by profit. These companies hold all the cards, and governments lack the expertise to regulate effectively.”

We share these concerns and strive to be part of the solution by developing and applying technology in the public interest, for the communities and clients we serve.

Expected Outcomes :

Given the reality of the above challenges, we will work with you to enable your organization to achieve the following benefits:

Deliver Secure Messages: 

Ensure secure, engaging, ongoing communication with your primary constituents,  in a complex and varied ecosystem amid a sea of both information and misinformation.


Become a Beacon of Clarity:
Establish your organization as a clear and authoritative voice within your jurisdiction or area of public service and expertise. Build trust within your core communities.

Leverage Your Expertise: 

Utilize your organization’s industry or specialized expertise and institutional knowledge while mitigating the effects of turnover.

Achieve Gains for Labor Unions: Use technology to increase jurisdictional and industry market share without raising communication costs. Remember, there are no “non-members,” only  ” prospective members.”

Wherever Possible : Simplify

We build and maintain software that simplifies and automates many administrative tasks. Our systems are designed for flexibility and administrative ease of use. Specifically, for your online presence, we make it easy for anyone on your staff to post updates, including text, links, and images, using a web browser format that resembles a word processor. Where appropriate, we will recommend third-party or other services that can assist, after evaluation and explanation.

Please get in touch to start the discussion about your particular technical and communications needs today 

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