Navigating Modern Communication Challenges: How We Can Help
Workers today face the dual challenge of managing their personal and professional lives while adapting to a flood of new communications tools and sources of information. Public Serving and Facing organizations such as trade / craft and other locals are not only tasked with daily operations but also with engaging and motivating many different kinds of constituents and members across generations. Preserving and sharing institutional knowledge through modern technology, while adhering to traditional communication principles, is crucial.
Without timely and accurate information from their union local, or other trusted sources members and primary constituents may struggle with the evolving communications landscape. These gaps are often filled by other, less trustworthy sources, which can have significant impacts.
Our Solution:
As public technologists, we specialize in addressing these challenges. We create secure and effective communication channels tailored to the needs of your members and primary constituents. Our approach accounts for the growing complexity of technology, ensuring that your membership organization or agency stays ahead of the curve.
Why Choose Us?
In such a landscape, the number of vendor options can be overwhelming. There are often multiple vendors, providing multiple , overlapping services, across multiple industries. We help sort through the noise and separate the hype from bona fide solutions.
Expertise: We understand the latest technological advancements and their implications.
Security: We provide secure communication solutions to protect your members.
Adaptability: Our designs are adaptable to evolving technologies and communication needs.
Stay Ahead of AI Challenges:
As AI technology advances rapidly, concerns about its reliability and ethical implications grow. IEEE Fellow Grady Booch has highlighted issues such as misinformation and biases in AI systems. We are committed to navigating these challenges responsibly and keeping your union informed and equipped.
Get in Touch:
Ready to enhance your union’s communication strategy? Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your needs. Institutional knowledge, particularly the kind that resides with labor unions, needs to be shared and passed on “inter-generationally” through various new gadgets, screens, and channels while respecting long-standing communications principles.
Without timely, accurate Information from their union, members are left to navigate these constantly changing communications landscapes on their own.
These communication gaps will be filled, either by your local and union or by other sources. We have seen the impact this can have.
Communications Workers’ Public Technologists can assist you with these challenges.
We ensure that your local is part of the communications solution by creating secure channels of access and communications for your members.
We recognize that these channels are constantly evolving and growing in terms of complexity, and factor for complexity in our design and implementation process.
Latest Challenges :
The recent more rapid development and deployment of “AI” as a marketable technology has driven even more concern, expressed by the very technologists who worked on and developed it for the firms that now intend to market it.
IEEE Fellow Grady Booch, chief scientist for software engineering at IBM, recently expressed [his] reservations about AI’s pitfalls.
“Generative models are unreliable narrators,” Booch says. “The problems with large-language models are many: There are legitimate concerns regarding their use of information without consent; they have demonstrable racial and sexual biases; they generate misinformation at scale; they do not understand but only offer the illusion of understanding, particularly for domains on which they are well-trained with a corpus that includes statements of understanding.”
In partnership with our clients and colleagues, we recognize we are all in this together and work accordingly.
Contact us today to find out how we can help your union stay ahead ` using modern day communications technology